Our publications
Doctoral Thesis by Dr. Petro Janse van Vuuren: Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Dramatic Characterisation as a Means for Reflecting on Personal Values.
Masters Thesis by Burgert Kirsten: The influence of a team development intervention (improvisational theatre) on climate for work group innovation.
Article: Janse van Vuuren, P. 2016. Keeping promises: A Strategic Narrative Embodiment model for designing social change interventions. Drama Research . 7(1).
Article: Janse van Vuuren, P. (2013) ‘‘The Keep Them Safe 2010 Project – Using Story to Structure a Programme with Sustainable Impact for 7 000 Children.’ ’ Matatu Journal for African Culture and Society. No. 44, Arts Activism, Education, and Therapies: Transforming Communities Across Africa. Edited by Barnes, Hazel. Rodopi: Amsterdam.
Article:Janse van Vuuren, P. (2009). Between Blue Beard And my Brothers – Report on the African Research Conference in Applied Drama and Theatre, 2008. South African Theatre Journal, Volume 23, 222-234.
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