Voice Coaching for individuals

Grow your voice – Grow Your Audience.

1. Back ground and Motivation

  • Do you appear confident and competent as you speak?
  • Do you sound inviting and engaging?
  • Does your audience experience that you care both about your message and about them?
  • Does your voice help to move and transform your audiences for the better?

There are only two things that can interfere with your ability to answer yes to all three these questions: tension in your body and fear in your heart. When your body knows what to do, it can help you control your feelings and focus your mind.

As with training for a marathon, your body needs to unlearn bad habits and relearn new ones so that speaking invitingly and confidently becomes automatic.

The Grow your Voice Training course is designed to help you automatically

  • Find a good posture that helps you relax and communicate confidence.
  • Use your breath to control your voice and your nerves.
  • Produce a rich warm voice that invites attention and instils trust.
  • Shape sounds skillfully so that every word is heard without strain.
  • Create emotional engagement by enticing the listener to keep on listening.
  • Draw the audience into your world so that they gain new insight into their own.

2.  Your Voice Coach

PetroDr. Petro Janse van Vuuren is a masterful story teller and a dynamic , inspiring facilitator. She has been training and coaching voice work and participative teaching methods for the last 18 years, both as a trainer of actors and as presentation skills teacher.  

Petro has written various academic articles and has published two books on speaking with confidence. She has presented at various local conferences.

She has taught confident voice to a variety of people, including

  • Speakers who want to inspire their audience to lasting transformation
  • Executives who want to lead organisations with charisma and impact
  • Sales people who wanted to entice customers to buy.
  • Actors who wanted to move their audiences to both tears and laughter.
  • Preachers and ministers who needed to speak with authority and compassion.
  • Rap artists who needed “lang longe” and confidence to sell their CD’s.
  • Radio DJs who wanted to engage their audiences to keep on listening.

3.  Testimonials

The most important thing I learned is ‘act it until you feel it’. Agents do not have to feel good or confident to sound confident. The confidence comes as you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable to the caller. Chantel Wilks, Learning Facilitator for Call Centre Agents, Capitec Bank.

This course has a way of demonstrating the goal immediately, and although good speaking only comes with practise, the first important switch, realising how we could and should be speaking, can successfully happen in the first morning.- Gertrud Tönsing, Lecturer, Lutheran Theological Institute, Pietermaritzburg

I enjoyed the method of teaching. Found myself very relaxed and in a space that made me comfortable. The facilitator is very warm and her tone of voice encourages. – Melaine Sukhraj, PA

What I learned from the workshop is voice control and confidence when you get on stage – how to have more strength and energy and give a positive message. – Reza Rust ‘Zati G’, Rapper for RIP

4.  Details

Time: 6 x 1 hour sessions – face to face or via skype. We recommend that the first meeting is face to face. From then onward we can skype once a week for 4 weeks. Then the final session will depend on our agreement for the outcome of your training.


Session 1: Contract and overview

Session 2: Checking foundations

Session 3: Choosing your tone

Session 4: Communicating care

Session 5: Creating an experience

Session 6: Capturing an audience

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