Management Training

How do you turn managers into extraordinary leaders?

Grow your People, Productivity, and Profits.

[ribbon toplink=”true”]Background and Motivation[/ribbon]

Leaders and management teams in business are working to thrive amidst economic uncertainty, crime, and increased decentralization of information. Set this off against an increased centralization of political power and add to that environmental change, cultural disintegration and globalization. Then it is no wonder managers and leaders are in constant crisis management mode.

Playing Mantis could help you understand, harness and wield the forces of change itself so that your efforts could be coordinated, designed and sustained as opposed to reactive, haphazard and short lived.

What if you knew how to

  • Help people deal with change in a positive manner.
  • Get buy-in and positive participation of your employees towards specific objectives and goals.
  • Keep your staff motivated and engaged amidst uncertainty
  • Build their confidence, loyalty and sense of responsibility.
  • Quickly resolve conflict between people and teams.
  • Reduce anxietyand stress and increase teamwork and creative problem solving.
  • Make confident decisions and stick to them amidst change and uncertainty.
  • Balance the efficient management of the business and leading your people with passion and vision.

In a company where leaders knew how to harness the forces of change and were skilled at dealing with uncertainty

  • Absenteeism would decrease
  • Staff turnover will be reduced
  • People will be happier and more engaged
  • Teams and individuals will be more efficient
  • Focus, dedication and productivity will increase
  • Communication between people and departments will improve
  • Customer satisfaction will go up
  • Ultimately profits will multiply

[ribbon toplink=”true”]Playing Mantis Management Training[/ribbon]

Playing Mantis offers six management training modules that can be combined in different ways depending on your needs, budget and time constraints. Each module is 3 to 4 hours long and costs between 6 and 9 thousand rand depending on group size and level of customization required.

Module 1: The current picture of management and leadership

Participants gain insight into:

  • The global shift in leadership from predicting and controlling to sensing and responding
  • A leader’s Brain: The neuro-scientific perspective on leadership
  • The Playing Mantis perspective of adaptive leadership for times of change
  • Your personal leadership profile in relation to these perspectives
  • Your company’s culture in relation to these perspectives.

Module  2: Leading for teamwork and innovation

Participants will develop and strengthen creative leadership skills such as:

  • Listening and awareness of self, others and opportunities
  • Being adaptable and able to respond appropriately in the moment
  • Knowing when to take control and when to give it away.
  • Improving authentic communication
  • Moving from passive blame shifting to active and confident participation.

 Module 3:  My personal leadership journey

Participants will consider questions around personal leadership:

  • What is my vision as a leader?
  • What core values drive me?
  • Where am I headed with my leadership story?
  • What is my role in the story of the organization?
  • What is the adjustment I need to make to live a success story?

Module 4: Rehearsing for the future

In this practical and playful forum managers

  • Apply their discoveries directly to their own unique contexts
  • Practice new skills to ‘rehearse’ for their futures as leading managers
  • Invent practical solutions for everyday problems
  • Work together to discover what structures and policies can support new ideas
  •  Plan for applying what they had learned in a way that increases staff productivity and profits.

Module 5: Designing a team success story

This open structure facilitates:

  • An implementation plan for insight gained over the previous 2 days
  • The formulation of a shared mission statement
  • Alignment of team values towards this common purpose
  • The creation of a visual picture of the desired future
  • Individual responsibility taken for action steps to realize this desired future.

Module 6: Leading transformation

This metaphoric learning experience is designed to teach you:

  • The five stages of lasting transformation
  • The role of the leader in each of the stages
  • The power of the right brain and the body in transformational processes
  • The importance of conversation and story
  • The role of values and core belief systems

[ribbon toplink=”true”]Value dds [/ribbon]

Customization that ensures relevance and applicability

Before we run any of our workshops, we consult with the MD or HR manager of your company so we understand the specific need. We also send out an online survey (free of charge) to your managers that will help us to understand their frustrations and needs. There is also the option of staff interviews or site visits, should you require it.

Follow-up visit to address implementation obstacles

Three months after the workshop we will run a 90 minute feedback session (included in the price) to see how participants have been able to apply their learning and what obstacles they still experience. Also read more below on our unique methodology relating to the stickability of the learning and its immediate applicability.


Align your training with the following NQF unit standards:

14667-         Describe and apply the management functions of an organisation
243947-      Develop self within the job role
15238 –        Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain relationships

You will get a professional assessment and certification for every participant at a cost of R250 per person per unit standard. Please note: we are currently provisionally accredited.
[ribbon toplink=”true”]Details[/ribbon]
Group size: 6 – 16
Time: 3 – 4 hours per module
Investment: Between R 6000 and R 9000 per module depending on group size and level of customization required.
Contact us for a free consultation at or call Petro on 0828282259

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