Improv Class 4 – 25 May 2010

Class 4 was about character – how they walk talk and feel. We made our way into the world of emotions by playing Emotion switch and Emotion box (passing a box around the circle, each player reacting with a larger emotion than the previous player). It was amazing how you pick up the emotions of others and really start to feel the different emotions. We also played some gibberish games (Emotion gibberish and Gibberish switch). Gibberish helps one to focus more on how a character talks than what they say. How a character talks is just as important if not more important than what the character says. Gibberish also helps you to get out of your head. The last exercise of the class was Character Walks. These game shows you how your body can think for you to make up a character by just changing something about the way you move. You can change any part of your body, the speed of your movement or how you fill the space around you. It is amazing how the way you carry your body influence your feelings. We ended the class with a gibberish performance game called Cluedo. In the end it is not about getting it right but about making a strong choice and sticking to it. I loved the idea of dragon slayer as an occupation. I think that’s what I want to be when I grow up.

Key concepts

Gibberish – A made up language of witch the meaning is conveyed by action, expressions, or tone of voice.

Let your body think for you – By just changing something in your body you can come up with a whoel character with feelings, wants and passions.

Make a strong choice and stick to it.– It is not always important what you choose but how you choose

If anyone can remember our one word proverb please write it in the comment section.

3 Replies to “Improv Class 4 – 25 May 2010”

  1. Die hoogtepunt vir my was die character walks. Ek het myself verbaas met die komplekse karakters wat uit ‘n eenvoudige beweging gebore is. Dis ongelooflik hoe ons as mense aanmekaar gesit is.

    PS.Mnr Kirsten as jy jouself as ‘n dragon slayer sien in die toekoms het ons ‘n probleem, want jou vrou wil ‘n “dragon trainer” word… ; )

  2. Die character walks is vir my die lekkerste speletjie in die hele wêreld!

    (die proverb het geëindig met “harige visse”)

  3. was dit nie iets van “kinders wat speel” met harige visse nie? kan wragties nie onthou nie, het weereens te veel gelag. 🙂

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