Petro’s TV interview about the Success Story Loop

Thank you to Katlego and the Expresso team!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 3

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One Reply to “Petro’s TV interview about the Success Story Loop”

  1. Hi Petro,

    Great interview, I did the ABC’s course with you last year in Pietermaritzburg and I have had success with my lectures and students. I am also a Life Alignment Practioner and also use these strategies when consulting.

    Thanks for shraring your PhD story, I resonated with it and this has just increased my motivation to finish mine which is due shortly.

    Congrats on the book!

    Blessings and Many Thanks,
    Have an awesome day!

    Sumaiya Jamal-Ally

    Postal Address:
    Microbiology – Pietermaritzburg
    University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Private Bag X01
    South Africa

    Tel/Fax: 033 260 6209
    Rabie Saunders Building
    Rm 224

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