The tool, the path, the rules
Every facilitator or speaker faces resistance. If you have done a good job of Painting a Picture of the Possibility , (Introduction), you can expect at least 5 types of resistance: personal, relational, practical, social and cosmic. Here we focus on the third kind: practical, also called contextual, resistance.
Apart from the personal and moral objections of that comes with the first kind of resistance and the doubts they may have about you as the mentor, the second kind, there is a very real practical resistance. How will I do what you ask? What are the steps \ the plan? Can I see the path and see myself walking it?
Whatever your solution is: 3 steps to losing weight, 5 types of resistance and how to overcome them or , or 7 principles of effective leadership, your audience needs to know it will work for them.
Like Aslan in the Narnia series, Dumbledore for Harry Potter and Griet for Liewe Heksie, the guide in the hero’s story can cut to the chase and bring light to the befuddled mind of the main character. The magic weapon often comes in the form of three (wishes), five (stones) or seven (dwarfs). Finally, the guide provides very specific instructions for its successful use: before the clock strikes 12, only when used by an innocent child or only if you use the right words like ‘Open Sesame’.
1. It cuts through darkness
The magic weapon is often a blade of some kind, like Arthur’s Excalibur, or a light, like Aladdin’s lamp. Sometimes it is even both like Skywalker’s light sabre. The blade or light symbolises its power to break through darkness or cut through the woods of uncertainty
Your solution must cut through what the audience experiences as darkness. Clean up the myths and misunderstandings around personal tax returns, what diet to follow, or how people deal with fear. Give them a torch to guide them through the woods.
Your solution must therefore be simple to understand and easy to remember and yet show that it really gets the audience’s context and obstacles.
2. The power of three, five and seven.
The numbers 3, 5 and 7 each have an internal logic helping your audience grasp and remember it. Stories have used these numbers over and over again.
Think of 3 little pigs, 3 bears, 3 wishes, 3 days in the belly of the whale, or in the grave, 3 time frames (past, present and future), 3 elements (substance, liquid and gas). The number 3 has an internal logic because it sets up a pattern. Often the first two are the similar and the third is special, a punch line. The older pigs make mistakes, but the third gets it right. Because of the power of 3, 9 also gains popularity: 3 main ideas with 3 sub ideas under each. The logic of 3 is so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that speakers, writers, trainers and facilitators use it often. An example is Daniel Pink’s book ‘To Sell is Human’ cleanly designed with three parts, three chapters in each.
Likewise 7 has made its mark: 7 dwarfs, 7 brides for 7 brothers, 7 days of creation and 7 days of the week and 7 holy sacraments. Speakers and writers employ 7often: Covey’s 7 Habits or Bruce Wilkenson’s 7 Laws of a Learner. However, seven similar points can be difficult to remember while five is easier. So 7 items are often broken into 2 of one kind and 5 of another: 5 working days and 2 weekend days or 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
This is also how 5 gets its significance, although it hardly ever features by itself in stories and myths. . Remembering the 5 is made easier by the practicality of having 5 fingers on one hand. Many writers and speakers find acronyms with 5 letters to strengthen the internal logic of their ‘weapon’ or model: David Rock’s SCARF model, or the SMART goal model or 5 types of resistance and to break through.
3. Rules for correct usage
To ensure that the hero is successful in the use of the secret weapon, the mentor provides specific rules for its correct application. But if practicality was the only reason for specific rules, why make it so difficult: Get out of the Ball by the stroke of midnight… Why not let the magic go on forever? By restricting the use of the weapon, you also restrict the number of people who are able to be successful, making your audience become part of a selected, special group. This makes your model so much more desirable and your audience feel so much more like chosen ones (see the post on Personal Resistance).
While your solution is simple, it is not necessarily easy to apply. It will take skill – but if your audience ‘buys’ it, they will then be open to further training in its use creating longer term clients for you.
Now, think of Neo in ‘The Matrix’. Remember how you as audience member discover that there is a chosen one who has a special gift and a destiny. Together with Neo you discover that he is the One, but you know it before he does and so the tension builds as you watch him get closer and closer to the discovery. Then there is that moment when it all dawns on him and his entire life up to that point finally begins to make sense… He is the chosen one, the one who fulfils the conditions of the prophesy, the one who can manipulate the matrix in a way no-one else can.
Imagine you can recreate that moment for your audience, where, suddenly, in the light of your insights or your model their whole experience around a certain subject suddenly makes sense. If your conditions for use are such that your audience turns out to be exactly the right kind of people in the right kind of context to use it, you will ensure that their resistance on this level crumbles.
There are only one more types of resistance to address: the one you need to face when you hae stacked up all your tricks, did everything you could and then something so left field hits that you stagger and fall flat on your face: cosmic resistance…
Dr. Petro Janse van Vuuren