Being locked out of our play space this week had one major consequence: Everyone could clearly see how playing and using the body empowers every participant to let their own voice be heard. Sitting around a table talking through the story, favours those personality types who like to talk. Us talkers can’t feel bad about that, it is how sitting around a table works.
Playing through the story with roleplay is equally challenging for everyone, but also equally empowering.
This coming week I look forward to hearing every story from the point of view of every character. It does not matter if the story has 5 different endings.
The last stage of a story is called the Return. Not only does this part show the character returning to their Ordinary World, it also shows how this world is no longer the same. They settle into a new normal. This stage has three aspects like most of the others.
1. The Road Back: The classic hero rededicates to change (tragic hero’s rededicate to their flaw without change). Harmony can only be achieved in their world if they work through the underlying reason for the crisis.
And so (hero physically returns to their Ordinary World with
new plan)
2. Resurrection: The hero makes a final attempt at difficult change.
Their old behaviour is released and new behaviour is exhibited.
This time…(hero exhibits new behaviour in old circumstance)
3. Return with the Elixir: At last the hero masters the problem.
Communitas (sense of togetherness and unity) and new meaning is attained not
just for the hero, but for their whole community.
At last…(hero is healed and with her the community)
Now every day… (a new normality is at the order of the day)
I am looking forward to your stories and have a few surprises up my own
sleeve as well – being the villain and all…