Where can improvisation skills training be used?

There are many different settings, in business or corporate contexts,  that lend themselves to improvisation skills training. In all of them people are required to work with others in collaboration towards a shared outcome. Here are some examples:

1. Leadership and management training to help leaders invite respect and co-operation from their teams.

2.  Customer service training to help people build rapport with customers

3. Team cohesion workshops to help team members connect with each other and get along better.

4. Vision and values alignment so everyone can work towards a shared vision.

5. Presentation skills and speaking workshops to help people build personal presence and audience interaction.

6. Training for coaches and facilitators to grow their presence and ability to co-create solutions with clients and participants.

7. Spontaneity playshops for individuals and families to build their self confidence and social skills.

“It was a phenomenal day, and your session was absolutely amazing- it was exactly spot on in terms of drawing the links between what we do and improvisation. I’ve had such great feedback about what you did and how relevant it was.” – Alison Reid, Senior Programme Manager: Career Development Initiatives, Gordon Institute of Business Science

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